Monday, October 22, 2012

Story Idea of the Week

This is another series of postings that is going to be called what it says above. This week's idea is: roads. Roads lace their way through many stories, but what if you were able to center a story around around a road? What if you followed the tradition of Where the Red Fern Grows, and titled the story about a road, and had the road in the very end? These are all the questions I've got right now, so if you have any, just comment below.

Keep on writing!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Story Help

Welcome back,

This is gonna be the start of a series of postings that I am gonna try to make every Friday. I'm generally going to be asking questions for my stories, but if you want some help, just shoot me an email, and you can have the Story Help post of the week.

Anyway, I can use all the heroes and villains I can get for my Super Hero series. What I could use, is some heroes then. If you have a made-up hero that you've stored in the back of your mind for the last couple years, I'd be happy to use that hero if you don't want to! It would be better if the hero was young, somewhere in the 2-16 range. Just comment on this post, and I'll try to comment back!

Keep on writing!

First Post

Hallo ya'll,


Yes, it exists. This is basically a blog where we post story ideas, give story ideas, read each others stuff, and host other fun writing activities.

Keep Writing!